Une Canadienne Errante

That's me! Just another wandering Canadian, moving around the globe, always looking for my next adventure and my next destination! I started this blog because, before I made the decision to move to Mongolia, I wanted to see what my new city would look like, but all I could find when I searched for images of Mongolia were landscape images. I had no clue what Ulaanbaatar looked like right up until the day I landed. This blog was born so maybe other people might have a better sense of what Ulaanbaatar looks like, if they want or need to know. I've been an expatriate in Ulaanbaatar since September, but before that, I lived in Korea, Kuwait, and France. I'm considering moving to Myanmar in June-- I'll keep you posted. I'm kind of a homebody and a loner, but I also like to walk around a lot, which provides plenty of opportunities for pictures and observations. Being a loner, I rarely share my observations with others, but I'll share some here. I never proofread and rarely edit, so sorry in advance for all the typoes that are likely to sneak their way into this blog.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Top Tens

Top ten reasons to Move to Ulaanbaatar:
  1. UB is not that bad.  It has department stores, a cinema, an amusement park, a swimming pool (I think), a skating rink (in winter), and an opera theatre.  Not to mention, the price of eating out ina restaurant or having a beer with friends is really reasonable.
  2. Opera or ballet tickets are under $10.
  3. You enjoy a good steak.
  4. You enjoy nature.
  5. You like to camp/hike/trek/etc.
  6. You're an expert horseback rider, or you'd like to learn.
  7. You come from Siberia (or Alaska, or Northern Canada) and you think that only a wuss would call -30Celcius weather "cold".
  8. The crafts and souvenirs here are hella cool.
  9. You only wear cashmere sweaters.
  10. You want to go someplace totally unlike any other country in Asia.
  11. You enjoy the video game, "Frogger", and would like to play a real live version of Frogger in which you are the frog.

Top Ten reasons to Avoid Ulaanbaatar:
  1. Pollution, Pollution, Pollution!
  2. Poverty makes you uneasy.
  3. You are a vegan.
  4. You come froma  tropical climate and can't understand how people can function in -30Celcius weather.
  5. You're a big city person or you just don't like small towns (UB has a population of 1 mil, but it has a very small town feel to it).
  6. You simply must live in a city that has a subway.
  7. You are afraid of trying to learn a language that sounds like this: "khshkgsligsrnmkhshhhhh".
  8. You just can't take a cold shower, especially in winter.
  9. You are terrified of being mugged or pickpocketed.
  10. You don't like long and difficult journeys on roads that may or may not be paved.
  11. While you enjoy the video game, "Frogger", you do not want to experience how the little frog feels every time you cross the road.

I adore graffiti.  I think good graffiti makes a good city even better!
Genghis Khan Graffiti!!

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