Une Canadienne Errante

That's me! Just another wandering Canadian, moving around the globe, always looking for my next adventure and my next destination! I started this blog because, before I made the decision to move to Mongolia, I wanted to see what my new city would look like, but all I could find when I searched for images of Mongolia were landscape images. I had no clue what Ulaanbaatar looked like right up until the day I landed. This blog was born so maybe other people might have a better sense of what Ulaanbaatar looks like, if they want or need to know. I've been an expatriate in Ulaanbaatar since September, but before that, I lived in Korea, Kuwait, and France. I'm considering moving to Myanmar in June-- I'll keep you posted. I'm kind of a homebody and a loner, but I also like to walk around a lot, which provides plenty of opportunities for pictures and observations. Being a loner, I rarely share my observations with others, but I'll share some here. I never proofread and rarely edit, so sorry in advance for all the typoes that are likely to sneak their way into this blog.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Peace Bridge

Ugh.  This is another one of those pictures which I chose a long time ago, and, looking at it now, I can't understand why I chose it because today it just looks boring to me.  Maybe it will look much cooler with the black backdrop I've chosen for my blog, but still...

Anyway, I suppose I chose this picture to give you a better idea of what Ulaanbaatar looks like (because Lonely Planet didn't give me any clues-- just a bunch of landscape pictures, remember?).  This is Peace Bridge, which is South of the city centre.  I walk over Peace Bridge every time I go into the city centre, and you might read about it when you read about Ulaanbaatar (I know I had read about it before I got here), although, now that I look really closely at my map in my Lonely Planet, it's not actually marked on the map.  Oh well, it's not like the bridge really goes over any kind of body of water, the way bridges normally do.  To me, it's more of an overpass, although "Peace Overpass" does not have the same ring to it as "Peace Bridge" does.

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