Argh! It was one of those days/weeks where I had so many profound things to say. I ran to my computer to write it all out for this blog, and.... the internet connection wasn't working. And it stayed not working for three days. And now that it is working, I can't remember what all those profound things I had to say were.
In other news, I got attacked by a big German shepherd yesterday. As you know from my earlier post about dogs and cats, I adore both dogs and cats. Dogs don't scare me. I love dogs, actually. I don't misinterpret a dog jumping up on me to lick my face as an attack. No, I know that's playing. But when a dog pounces on your back and tries to knock you over and rip your flesh off, then that's definitely what, in my vocabulary, counts as an attack. I was especially angry because its bitch of an owner stood there laughing instead of the more acceptable reaction, which ought to have been to apologise profusely to me for her ill-bred, ill-trained, and ill-mannered dog. I may have called her a few names, but I don't think you can really judge me for that unless you've reacted more magnanimously after having been attacked by a monstrously big dog and then watched in dismay as its owner did nothing more than stand and laugh at your terror. Seriously, it was one of those "fuck Mongolia" moments.
Une Canadienne Errante
That's me! Just another wandering Canadian, moving around the globe, always looking for my next adventure and my next destination! I started this blog because, before I made the decision to move to Mongolia, I wanted to see what my new city would look like, but all I could find when I searched for images of Mongolia were landscape images. I had no clue what Ulaanbaatar looked like right up until the day I landed. This blog was born so maybe other people might have a better sense of what Ulaanbaatar looks like, if they want or need to know. I've been an expatriate in Ulaanbaatar since September, but before that, I lived in Korea, Kuwait, and France. I'm considering moving to Myanmar in June-- I'll keep you posted. I'm kind of a homebody and a loner, but I also like to walk around a lot, which provides plenty of opportunities for pictures and observations. Being a loner, I rarely share my observations with others, but I'll share some here. I never proofread and rarely edit, so sorry in advance for all the typoes that are likely to sneak their way into this blog.
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