Une Canadienne Errante

That's me! Just another wandering Canadian, moving around the globe, always looking for my next adventure and my next destination! I started this blog because, before I made the decision to move to Mongolia, I wanted to see what my new city would look like, but all I could find when I searched for images of Mongolia were landscape images. I had no clue what Ulaanbaatar looked like right up until the day I landed. This blog was born so maybe other people might have a better sense of what Ulaanbaatar looks like, if they want or need to know. I've been an expatriate in Ulaanbaatar since September, but before that, I lived in Korea, Kuwait, and France. I'm considering moving to Myanmar in June-- I'll keep you posted. I'm kind of a homebody and a loner, but I also like to walk around a lot, which provides plenty of opportunities for pictures and observations. Being a loner, I rarely share my observations with others, but I'll share some here. I never proofread and rarely edit, so sorry in advance for all the typoes that are likely to sneak their way into this blog.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Ovoo

I can't tell you exactly what an Ovoo is (or even how to pronounce it correctly), but I can tell you that what you're supposed to do is walk around it three times clockwise, pick up a stone (or leave another offering) and throw the stone onto the pile of stones and make a wish (thank you, Lonely Planet for those instructions!).  Sounds kind of ridiculous, but my wishes (I'm greedy, I made several) were something along the lines of get into law school (though I can't get in if I don't apply, and I haven't re-applied this year, so that was a wish wasted), and find a nice boyfriend, possibly even the man of my dreams.  Well, about two weeks later, I did meet a nice guy when I went to the ballet, and I think he is the most amazing person I've ever met.  I'm honestly not sure that I've ever been happier.  Is this the work of the Ovoo or is it merely a coincidence?  Whatever!  I'm just happy!

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